The National Employment Fund



Youth entrepreneurship in Cameroon faces multiple challenges related to financing, technical assistance, follow-up and supervision, but above all to the absence of structured and dynamic information, likely to provide them with the necessary, effective and efficient tools to promote their businesses. The CIIEJ aims to overcome this handicap.


The Ciiej's objective is to give to the young activities creators information :

  • on national and international technical support and the structures likely to support activity creation (address, areas of intervention, access or eligibility conditions, etc.)
  • Information on national and international sources of funding or sponsorship (address, types of funding, access or eligibility conditions)
  • The evolution of national and international markets for various products
  • On promising areas or activity sectors
  • The formalities for setting up a business and taxation
  • The harmonious conduct of their activities
  • The global support mechanisms for entrepreneurship.

The services

The CIIEJ always offers a targeted and free reception with:

  •     A free internet connection;
  •     A library on technological processes;
  •     A complete documentation on business and marketing;
  •     Spaces for exchanges with professionals;
  •     Interviews and advice from Employment Counsellors;
  •     Free access to a virtual network of partners;
  •     Workshops group on specific topics;
  •     Workshops on starting a business.

Target population

The CIIEJ targets :

  • All young people registered with the NEF and who want to become their own boss;
  • Promoters wishing to increase their activities;
  • And all active people wishing to create their own business.

They benefit from a database of 500 project ideas (for the first-time entrepreneurs), as well as tools for market studies, business plans, etc.

What are the advantages of coming to the CIIEJ ?

  • You have access to all the information you need to set up a business (project ideas, business plan, etc.);
  • You benefit from support in managing your business project;
  •  Support in developing your business (production, production-technology, distribution-sales).


Information and documentation


  • Information on national and international markets and their evolution
  • Information on techniques and production technologies
  • Information on production norms and standards
  • Information on training opportunities
  • Information on national and international sources of funding or sponsorship (address, types of funding offered, eligibility requirements, etc.);
  • Information on promising sectors or promising activity
  • Information on business start-up formalities, taxation, etc;
  • Information on how to refer to other structures or resource persons.


  • Technical sheets on the production, conservation, processing, packaging and distribution of goods and services;
  • Methodological guides on setting up a business, drawing up a business plan, negotiation, marketing, etc;
  • Directories of local markets and products
  • Reports on socio-economic and commercial studies or surveys;
  • Periodicals and other publications of a technical, economic and commercial nature, particularly those of the partners
  • Legal and regulatory texts on the creation, promotion and development of enterprises.

These various documents are made available to the public through

  • A library
  • A video library
  • NEF's institutional documentation;
  • The job offer link.

Our partners

  • Public administrations (Ministries, INS and other Public Administrative Establishments, parapublic, University and Research Centres, Public associations, etc.)

  • The private sector (private companies, GICAM, ECAM, MECAM, SYNDUSTRICAM, Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Agriculture, NGOs, Associations, etc.) through company visits;

  • Other institutions such as: ILO, AASEP, WAPES;



The Integrated Information Centre for Youth Entrepreneurship "CIIEJ" is in Yaounde, Cameroon, located opposite the omnisport stadium and next to the taxation office.

Phone (237)  693 979 895
P.O Box: 10079 Yaounde - Cameroon
Email :  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

National Employment Fund : an employment tool at the service of everyone
Our services are FREE OF CHARGE

Phone +(237) 222 22 51 81  -   P O box : 10079 Yaounde - Cameroon    -